
How to get the most benefit from WellStream.

19 November 2023.

Are you new to the WellStream app and wondering how to make best use of it? The app presents wellbeing in ways that may be new to you. That’s why we’ve written this guide to help you feel comfortable and get the most benefits from your WellStream app. 

In this guide we will cover:

Chapter 1: What the WellStream app does (and doesn't do).

What it does do. The WellStream app helps you to track your own mental wellbeing and quickly identify which things in your life are supporting you to be well.

By spending a couple of minutes completing the daily quiz (i.e. while waiting for your instant-noodles to cook) you can get a good indication of where your mental wellbeing is at. By using the app each day these ‘snapshots’ of your mental wellbeing will link up into a day-by-day picture (your wellbeing River) to help you track the story of your mental wellbeing. Even just doing this much may quickly help you to develop more self-awareness about what makes you well. You can increase this benefit even further by adding a short diary or photo-diary to each day. This can help you to get more perspective on yourself and life in general – so we strongly recommend doing that.

The second feature that creates huge benefits is Streams.

Streams are the things in your life that feed into your wellbeing River – causing it to rise (mental wellbeing goes up) and fall (mental wellbeing goes down). Common examples of Streams are: work, hobbies, physical exercise, therapies or treatments, particular relationships, habits etc. Anything that you do can have an impact on your mental wellbeing, so therefore anything can be a Stream.

To use Streams simply create them in the app (there is an easy in-app tutorial to help you – or for more support read our quick-start guide here) and they will get added to the daily quiz. Then just select which ones you do everyday and the app will help to build clarity for you around what each Stream is doing for your mental wellbeing.

You can add as many Streams as you like but be warned, just doing a Stream once will give a very low level of clarity and confidence. It is only by doing the same Stream many times that the app can build a clear and confident picture of how it may be influencing your mental wellbeing.

What it doesn’t do. WellStream does not detect or diagnose mental illness. While the app may be very useful to use alongside therapy it is not a clinical or medical tool and does not replace the need for clinical support. For example, if you were feeling very anxious, exhausted, and hopeless then WellStream would probably indicate that your mental wellbeing was low – and may well prompt you to seek support (see Chapter 2) – but it will never diagnose or label you. 

“Even just doing this much may quickly help you to develop more self-awareness about what makes you well.”

Chapter 2: Using the app with your support network.

While the WellStream app is totally private and confidential to you, you can use it to communicate with your support network.

The first way is simply by showing people. I do this all the time with people I trust, showing them my wellbeing River to share a high-point, or a low-point, or to illustrate a story about my mental wellbeing journey that I want them to understand. Sometimes I’ll send a screenshot or short video but most of the time I prefer to do it in person; just sit down together and talk about it. I find that showing people my River makes it easier for them to understand and accept where I am at. 

Friends sharing experiences by showing each other their WellStream app wellbeing river.

The app can also help you to get more benefit out of working with someone who is encouraging you to try new things, like a coach or counsellor. You can track their recommendations as a Stream and quickly build up an accurate picture of whether something is working well for you, or if you need to make some adjustments. If you are also keeping a diary it may help you to find worthwhile things to work on or talk about. 

The second way to work with your support network is through the Trusted Supporters feature of the WellStream app. As the name suggests this is where you can add those people who you trust to be there for you when you are feeling down. When your mental wellbeing is low the app will actually take you to your Trusted Supporters page and prompt you to reach out to someone, but it doesn’t have to feel like a big thing. Even calling up a friend simply to ask how they are feeling can be enough to get a boost and let the conversation unfold naturally.

If you don’t know who to talk to just use the ‘Find a Helpline’ button that will connect you to free helplines in your area with wonderful people ready to hear you out and support you.

Chapter 3: Final checklist for how to benefit from WellStream.

To enhance your self-awareness and self-knowledge:

  • Do the daily quiz each day and set a daily notification to remind you if needed.
  • Add a diary or photo-diary each day before or after you do the quiz.
  • Make sure that you have added some Streams that the app can help you track.
  • Actually spend a few minutes each week going back through your wellbeing River to spot patterns and see your growth.

To increase your support network and help communicate your experience to others:

  • Show your trusted supporters your wellbeing River so they can see not just how how you are, but how you have been lately.
  • Combine WellStream with coaching/counselling to enhance progress and identify things to work on.
  • Reach out to have a conversation with someone you trust when the app prompts you to.
  • Remember that you can always ‘Find a Helpline’ if you don’t know who to turn to.

We hope that you enjoy using your WellStream app and that it helps you to create more wellbeing in your life!

Two friends on an adventure planning it out on the map.

Don't have the app yet? Try it for free.

The WellStream app is the ultimate mental wellbeing tracker: plug in the stuff that you do each day and it helps by showing you which things are supporting your happiness and wellbeing, and which aren’t. You can then use this boost in clarity to help make better decisions and create a lifestyle full of wellbeing.

Every day people all over the world are using WellStream to create more happiness and energy for themselves and their loved ones. You are welcome to try it too – find the app through the links below or simply searching ‘WellStream’ on your phone’s app store.

All new users enjoy a 14-day free trial of WellStream premium.

The author is neither a doctor or psychologist or claims to be.
The ideas expressed in this article are not medical opinions. This article is intended to be useful and informative, not to subvert or replace medical treatments, therapies, or diagnosis. If you are experiencing undue distress please seek medical assistance.

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